How can I add a WordPress reCAPTCHA without a plugin?
You can add reCAPTCHA to your WordPress website without using a plugin by following these steps:
- Go to the reCAPTCHA website ( and sign up for an API key.
- In your WordPress website, open the functions.php file in your theme folder.
- Add the following code to the functions.php file:
function my_custom_recaptcha() {
echo '<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="YOUR_SITE_KEY"></div>';
Replace YOUR_SITE_KEY with your reCAPTCHA site key obtained in step 1.
- In the form where you want to add the reCAPTCHA, call the my_custom_recaptcha() function. For example, if you want to add the reCAPTCHA to the comment form, add the following code to the comments.php file in your theme folder:
<?php my_custom_recaptcha(); ?>
Note: This method requires some coding knowledge and it may not work with all themes and forms. Using a plugin is usually the easiest and most reliable way to add reCAPTCHA to your WordPress website.
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