How To Host A Website On GitHub For Free?
Hosting a website on GitHub is a great way to make your website available to the public for free. Here are the steps to host a website on GitHub for free:
1- Create a GitHub account if you don't have one already.
2- Create a new repository with the name "" (replace "yourusername" with your GitHub username).
3- Upload your website files to the repository using the upload button or by cloning the repository to your local computer, adding the files, and then pushing the changes back to the repository.
4- Make sure your website's homepage file is named "index.html".
5- Once your files are uploaded, go to the repository's settings and scroll down to the "GitHub Pages" section.
6- Under "Source", select "main" or "master" branch (depending on your repository's branch structure) and then click "Save".
7- Your website will now be hosted at "" (replace "yourusername" with your GitHub username).
8- You can now access your website using the above link and share it with others.
Note: It may take a few minutes for the website to be published after configuring the GitHub Pages settings. Also, if you make changes to your website files, you'll need to push those changes to the repository for the updated version of the site to be published.
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